Vivo City

Now this is the newest and one of the largest mall we have here in Singapore.
It is called Vivo City. And for those of you who knew about WTC or have heard about the World Trade Centre, yes it used to be, now it is the refurbished area and they renamed it as 'VIVO CITY'. Well, I dunno why exactly. That they have to changed the name from 'World Trade Centre' to Vivo City.

Perhaps they dun want us to be reminded of the sad event on September 11. Perhaps it is the consumer behaviour that they are concerned about, so that means for commerical reasons. But whichever reason it is, it's a nice wide area with a Cruise Centre where you can see ships, cruises and ferries of various sizes in the outdoor areas of the mall. Please click to see, I really love the twilight scene it sets. Do you like it too?


I love the architecture for this. Wonderful! It's so nice when someone takes the time to make a building a work of art.
Olivier said…
superbe endroit avec une tres belle architecture.

superb place with a very beautiful architecture.
JaamZIN said…
for the very first sight it reminded me of the Flinstone houses:) I like that its not a common "cube" or a tall building like usually malls.
Kris said…
vivo is an abreviation? its very spanish ;) i do like the unusual curve of the exterior where as the interior looks elegant. A place to visit in the future!
Zannnie said…
j.andrew, olivier, Zsolt and Kris:

this is designed by a Japanese Architect and the theme is fluidity:)
and indeed many elements within the mall is 'fluid' which i will post more later.

Overall I like the experience:) wide aisles really give me MORE SPACE!:D

yes it was meant not to be the 'block' or 'cube' structure as of most shopping centres.

kris, vivo is from the word 'viva' which means 'live', it is the intented positioning of this largest mall. You should pop by when you are back to Malaysia to visit you mom, afterall, malaysia and Singapore is so so near:)

Jing said…
specail shape of that VIVO.
kaa said…
another new place to look into when i'm there next year. unique design..
Edulabbe said…
It's a very nice building. Much nicer than the plain ones we have in some malls in Santiago

Greetings from Chile
Keropokman said…
this place is huge. i was lost when i visited last week!

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